Monday, October 28, 2019

The color scheme for the kitchen

No matter how strange it may sound, even ordinary white kitchens may look completely different. Their appearance depends on the type of facade coating - matte or glossy, the presence or absence of lighting, on the material of the countertop - plastic, artificial stone or even glass.

When you decide on the color of your future kitchen, rely, first of all, on your own tastes and preferences. The only thing you should pay attention to is this: if you want a kitchen of a certain color, then think over the pros and cons of this color. You may like a bright and saturated color, but with this color constantly in the kitchen, it can cause you feelings of irritation, discomfort. Therefore, it is best to dwell on a combination of a bright favorite color and a basic calm tone. In addition, furniture combining two colors looks more stylish and attractive. If you can not decide on the color scheme of your kitchen, it is better to consult with the designer.

From what color of the kitchen you choose, you will get a completely different perception of it space. So, if you want to hide kitchen furniture, make it invisible, then use matte black. But just remember that people who are prone to depression or emotionally unstable, it is better to refuse this color, because he will put a lot of pressure on the emotional state of a person. If, on the contrary, you are a person who is active, cheerful and optimistic, then the black color will have a calming effect on you, balancing your emotional state.

The red color is very beautiful, it gives energy, increases tone and arouses appetite. Of course, such properties of red color will be more appropriate in the morning, when you need to throw off the remnants of sleep, start up and set yourself up for active work throughout the day. But in the evening it is better not to appear in such a kitchen: instead of resting and relaxing, you will feel irritability and an appetite.

Beautiful saturated blue color acts directly opposite to red: it calms, relaxes, reduces appetite. But the blue color at the same time is not entirely cozy, so it would be better to opt for a pale blue color, which will give you a feeling of freshness and lightness, a surge of energy.
If you want to achieve peace in your family and spend a lot of time together in the kitchen, then the green color and its shades will be a great solution. Especially beautiful is the color of spring greens and shades of lime, which cheer up and smooth out conflicts.

Unfortunately, purple is not much in demand in interior design. This color is almost perfect: it removes excitement, soothes, positively affects the metabolism. Incidentally, it is in the kitchen that a saturated purple color is acceptable. It goes well with olive and ocher.

When choosing a color for the kitchen, do not forget to consider the amount of sunlight that gets into the kitchen and whether it gets at all. For dark rooms, it is better to choose light soft shades of lemon, pink, peach, pistachio, etc. flowers. For brightly lit kitchens, it is better to dwell on shades of blue, green, gray.

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